Saturday, June 13, 2020

The American Revolutionary War - 275 Words

The American Revolutionary War (Essay Sample) Content: American HistoryStudent NameInstructorCourseDate The American Revolutionary War was mainly based on the economic crisis faced by the colonists and the natives of the Northern America. The conflict was built on the strife between the Britons and the colonists (also Briton) who had resettled in America. Taxes imposed on these residents were too high coupled with the lack of freedom of expression which worsened the situation. The unresolved grievances escalated into boycotts and rebellions. A typical example was the destruction of the tea shipment in Boston which incited the government to punish the residents by the forceful closure of the port of Boston and denial of self-governance. The situation worsened though the rebels set up informal government outside Boston to co-ordinate their resistance (Nester, 2004). The informal government earned trust and support from other rebel states to kick out the British government. Particular focus is the leader of the militia gro ups, i.e. George Washington. He coordinated the attacks on the British forces supported by the informal government. He eventually led to the independence of the town of Boston (Nester, 2004). Consequently, British leadership was gathering their forces and mercenaries to quell the rebellion unless they concede defeat by the liberalization of other towns. The rebellion awakened Britains old foes, for example, France. France supported the militia who were against Great Britains governance. The strategy led to the independence of the northern frontier forcing the Britons to shift their focus to the southern American States. Frances entry into the war also led to the entry of Spain as a critical ally in the war. The entry of the two strong powers (at the time) coupled with George Washingtons militia unit weakened the loyalists by far though Great Britain had significant victories, for example, the Battle of the Saintes. Despite the struggle and the casualties, America gained its indepe ndence when the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. Though economic issues fueled the war, interests by the foes like Spain and France also contributed to the war. France wanted to gain a niche a...

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